About the Active Flag
Active School Renewal
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community, by awarding them with the Active School Flag (ASF).
The programme encourages all schools to evaluate their current provision of P.E. and extracurricular sports activities for the children and increases parents’ awareness of facilities, teams and clubs in our area. This is a non-competitive initiative highlighting the importance of physical activity in and sport in schools and communities in which they are based. For more information please visit the Active School Flag website
Physical Education 2017/2018
In Presentation Primary School, we endorse the aims of the primary school curriculum for P.E .
To promote the physical , social, emotional and intellectual development of the child.
To develop positive personal qualities.
To help in the acquisition of an appropriate range of movement skills in a variety of contexts.
To promote understanding and knowledge of the various aspects of movement.
To develop an appreciation of movement and the use of the body as an instrument of expression and creativity.
To promote enjoyment of physical activity , develop a positive attitude towards physical activities and develop an appreciation of its contribution to lifelong health and related fitness. Consequently, the child is being prepared and equipped to enjoy an active and purposeful use of leisure time.
Our main focus is to assist the children in our school to achieve their potential to lead full, active and healthy lives and derive a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment .
Curriculum Planning:
- Athletics
- Aquatics
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Games
- Outdoor and Adventure activities
Children have access to all six strands during their eight years in Presentation Primary School.
P.E Equipment:
An inventory of resources and equipment is made available to each teacher at the beginning of each year.
The equipment is stored in a designated room adjacent to the P.E Halls. and every teacher has access to it. All the equipment is clearly labelled and placed in its designated location after use.
The equipment is purchased centrally.
Teachers view P.S.S.I. lesson plans to assist in planning their P.E classes.
Health and Safety :
Teachers and pupils engage in ‘ Warming Up’ and ‘Cooling Down’ exercises to ensure safe enjoyment of the activity.
Runners are worn and no jewellery is worn. Teachers ensure runners are securely tied.
Tracksuits are worn on P.E days.
A list of children with specific medical conditions is circulated to each teacher at the beginning of the year.
Staff Developments:
Teachers have attended summer courses to upskill and enhance their knowledge .
A CPD summer course in PE was held at our school
PDST PE courses are facilitated at our school and staff attend these.
Teachers observe and assist visiting coaches.
Team teaching leads to the sharing of expertise.
Partnerships and Community Links.
Presentation Primary School students compete in local community games. Community Games events are promoted and hosted in the school.
The children are encouraged to join the local clubs and representatives of these clubs are invited to address the pupils and give details of training times etc.
Presentation Primary School has strong links with Portarlington Rugby Club and Tag Rugby events and training are organised regularly.
All classes from 1st – 6th go swimming each year in blocks of 6 weeks to Portarlington Leisure Centre
Offaly Sports Partnership are involved in athletics coaching in our school.
Laois Sports Partnership offer support and assistance on all areas of PE and inclusion
Success Criteria:
Children enjoy P.E Class.
Children realise the importance of activity and exercise in order to lead a healthy life.
Children may set their own targets and goals; thus having responsibility for their activities.
Children are given an opportunity to experience camaraderie if they are playing a team sport and representing the school.
All our games and initiative are inclusive of all children in our school.